
Sunday, 31 December 2017

This is why women need more sleep than men

A Scientific Study Shows: 

  • Women need 20 Minutes more sleep than men.
  • The reason for this is the larger complexity of the female Brain.
  • This Means that is has to work Harder because more regions are being used Simultaneously.
  • The More Active the Brain is, The More Rest is Needs.
  • Multitasking is no Problem for Women.
  • men on the Other hand find it Difficult to Concentrate on more then one task.
  • The Female Brain Collects Information five times Faster than the Male brain.
  • So to All you Women out there: Feel free to lie in bed a bit Longer.
Because a Strong Women needs a well rested brain 

Friday, 29 December 2017

5 Unusual Ways of Using Essential Oils That Will Turn Out to Be Life-Enhancing

5 Unusual Ways of Using Essential Oils That Will Turn Out to Be Life-Enhancing

Many people associate essential oils mainly with aromatherapy. In fact, they have a rather broad range of possible applications.

Health Information and Tips gathered for you a selection of ingenious ways of using essential oils at home. We’re sure that after reading this article to the end you’ll want to buy a couple of oils for yourself.

5. Citrus essential oil promotes weight loss.

  • You can add several drops of citrus essential oil to an air purifier or a fragrance lamp to fill your home with a pleasant smell. Plus, the citrus aroma decreases appetite.

  • Mix some drops of citrus oil with vegetable oil (flaxseed oil or olive oil), and use as a salad dressing. It’ll help get the toxins out of your body.

4. Tea tree oil for clear skin

  • This is an effective acne treatment: mix castor oil with flaxseed oil (1:3), add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil, and apply to your skin. For better results, steam your skin with a hot towel, and remove the remains of the oil and black spots from your face. The result will surprise and inspire you.
  • To treat toenail fungus, you can apply tea tree essential oil to the affected spot.
  • A cold sore on your lips can be treated by applying a thick layer of a cream mixed with 2-3 drops of tea tree oil.

3. Jasmine essential oil for silky hair

  • Jasmine is one of the strongest natural aphrodisiacs, and scented candles with jasmine oil will create a romantic atmosphere and intensify mutual attraction.

  • Add jasmine oil to your regular massage oil to make your skin tender and smooth.

  • Jasmine oil nourishes and softens hair. Add 4-5 drops of oil to your shampoo or hair balm, and see the result.

2. Eucalyptus essential oil for your health and immune system

  • Eucalyptus oil can help relieve swelling of the nasal area. Use 1-2 drops to gargle for a sore throat and 3-4 drops for inhalation.

  • To ease a cough, mix 4-5 drops of oil with an alcoholic solution, and apply a compress.

  • Eucalyptus oil helps to heal bruises, light hematomas, and blisters if you mix it with vegetable oil and apply it to the affected area.

1. Fir essential oil for a clean home

  • All conifer aromas can perfectly clean and disinfect the air at home. Apply some oil to a cotton ball, and suck it into your vacuum cleaner. While you use it, your home will fill with a pleasant aroma.

  • A fir essential oil can remove tough smells. Just add several drops of oil to a bowl of salt, and put it in a smelly place.
  • Add several drops of oil to dish soap to make your plates and dishes shine.

Important tip: Use essential oils according to the rules and inscriptions, and they’ll become your own little helpers.

Do you know any proven ways of using essential oils? Share your tips in the comments.

9 Things We Do Every Day That Can Harm Us Badly

5 Things We Do Every Day That Can Harm Us Badly

We keep buying and using products that were created to bring ease to our lives, and it would be hard to imagine that the daily harmless routines performed by millions could hide any potential danger. But the reality is bound to surprise you.
Bright Side made a list of things you use every day that actually bring you more harm than good. Let’s see how many of them you use.

5. Water bottles and travel mugs

Almost all the bottles we use on a daily basis are made of polycarbonate plastics, which contain a toxic industrial chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA). This man-made chemical can affect the bodily processes of cell repair, growth, energy levels, and reproduction.
The level of BPA released depends on the water’s temperature: the hotter it is, the more of the chemical gets into your body.
Tip: Consume hot beverages from mugs made of glass, porcelain, or clay. If you need to have a mug for your hot beverage, choose one made of stainless steel or polyethylene plastic.

4. Fruit juice and dried fruit

Fruit juice is an unhealthy beverage due to the sugar it contains. But, along with dried fruit, it also contains sulfur dioxide, which is used as a preservative to extend shelf life. Those who have asthma or are sulfite sensitive should avoid these products. They might cause serious health problems, from breathing difficulties to life-threatening allergies and even death.
Tip: To avoid sulfites, go for organic brands that don’t use any preservatives. Organically dried fruit won’t last long, but freezing can significantly extend its shelf life. Check with your doctor if you are sensitive to sulfur.

3. Fast food packaging

Most of our favorite fast foods are wrapped or packaged in containers that have a grease-resistant chemical coating. This can contain fluorinated compounds, which can affect a growing embryo or small child. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention lists the following possible consequences: changes in growth, behavior, and learning, fertility decrease, interference with natural hormones, increased cholesterol, and risk of cancer.
The amount of fluorinated compounds that get into our body depends on the food’s temperature, the type of food, and the length of time it remained in the package.
Tip: If you can’t resist fast food, try to eat in. You can always find a place that serves your favorite fast food choice on a plate

2. Eating lunch at your desk

You might believe that your desk is clean, but it has 400 times more germs than a toilet seat. Your keyboard alone has 70% more bacteria than a toilet seat. Besides, eating at your desk increases the time you stay in one place, and sitting for hours increases the risk of heart disease.
Tip: Always wipe your desk, even if you don’t plan to eat. Eat in the kitchen area or the canteen. If you have to eat at your desk, make sure you wipe it first. And make sure your food doesn’t touch any surface.

1. Crossing your legs

This "harmless" sitting position can pump up your blood pressure at the knee. High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack or heart failure. It also puts pressure on the hip joints and can lead to pooling of blood in the legs when your veins are compressed, which can form a blood clot. Doctors recommend not crossing your legs for longer than 10 or 15 minutes.
Tip: Get a chair that supports your back well. You can keep your feet on the floor or use a special footstool to keep your legs bent at an angle of slightly more than 90°. If you keep crossing your legs, try to get up and walk around every hour or so. Just a small circle will make a difference.

One Simple Way to Check Your Health in One Minute

One Simple Way to Check Your Health in One Minute

We all know how important it is to monitor our health condition, yet few of us like going to doctors.
Bright Side found a simple way to perform a health checkup without leaving your home

  • Take a common spoon, and scrape it over the entire surface of the tongue, abundantly wetting it with saliva.
  • Put the spoon into a transparent plastic bag, and place it under a bright light: the sun or a desk lamp.
  • Wait 1 minute, and check the spoon.
A clean spoon with no stains or unpleasant odors means you have no problems with the health of your internal organs.
If there’s an odor:
  • Putrefactive, strong — problems with the lungs or stomach;
  • Sweet — it may be diabetes;
  • Ammonia — problems with the kidneys.

If there are stains:
  • White or yellow with a thick coating — thyroid gland dysfunction;
  • Purple — bronchitis, poor blood circulation, high cholesterol level;
  • White — respiratory infection;
  • Orange — kidney disease.

Remember that this method is for informational purposes only and doesn’t replace a doctor’s consultation.

7 Mistakes You Need to Avoid to Save Your Child’s Health

7 Mistakes You Need to Avoid to Save Your Child’s Health

When pregnant, women try their best to stick to the healthiest lifestyle and diet for their babies and themselves.
Some foods and drinks are not at all safe to consume during these 9 months. We at Bright Side want to tell you about them and also give you a very useful bonus at the end of the article, which is a must-know for every mom-to-be!

7. Certain types of fish

When pregnant, it’s best to stay away from 2 types of fish:
  • Fish that is known to contain high levels of mercury. This includes large fish like swordfish, shark, tilefish, tuna (big eye), and king mackerel. Mercury has been linked to developmental issues and brain problems in babies. Carp contains moderate levels of mercury, so it should be consumed with caution — no more than 1 serving per week.
  • Fish caught from local rivers, streams, and ponds near big factories or other sources of pollution. Examples include salmon, bluefish, striped bass, pike, walleye, and trout. They may contain high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls.

6. Soft cheeses

These delicacies can contain E. coli or listeria — bacteria that can cause very unpleasant health conditions for you and serious problems for your pregnancy. Examples of such cheeses include Roquefort, Camembert, Gorgonzola, feta, brie, queso fresco, queso blanco, and panela if they are made from unpasteurized milk.
Solution: Choose hard cheeses, such as Swiss or cheddar, or consume soft cheese only if you are 100% sure it was made from pasteurized milk.

5. Smoked seafood

These salty treats are not safe when refrigerated unless they have been cooked to 165°F. They can contain listeria monocytogenes — the bacteria that cause listeriosis, a dangerous condition for you and your little one.
Solution: To prevent listeriosis, choose canned or shelf-safe smoked seafood, or cook it to 165°F.

4. Too much caffeine

Excessive amounts of caffeine have been linked to low birth weight in babies, premature birth, and even miscarriage, so it’s important to keep the intake under control. One cup of coffee or tea per day is considered safe, but try to keep it under 200 mg. And remember that green tea and soda also contain caffeine, so don’t let them deceive you.
Tip: Choose decaffeinated drinks. Overall, water and fresh juices are your best choices.

3. Deli meats

u should avoid all ready-to-eat meats, also known as deli meats, as they can contain that trouble-making listeria bacteria we talk about so much. Examples include cold cuts, lunch meat, sandwich meats, sliced meats, and hotdogs.
Solution: If you still do want to indulge, you should cook them until they are steaming hot — about 165°F.

2. Herbal teas and other herbal supplements

We all consider herbs to be some of the healthiest foods on Planet Earth, and this is true for the most part. However, certain herbs have been used for centuries to terminate pregnancies, and, unfortunately, they still hold the same effect.
Your options: You can read about every herb you want to consume in a drink or any other form. However, it might be best to refrain from ready-made herbal blends in restaurants and stores (the staff may not have 100% accurate information about their contents) and opt for a safer cup of regular green or black tea.

1. Alcohol

Unfortunately, the alcohol you drink can pass through the placenta to your developing baby. And while the bodies of adults have special ferments that help break down alcohol and take it out of your body, a fetus might have very small quantities of it or lack it completely.
Alcohol impacts the development of cells and makes it difficult for nutrients and oxygen to reach their targets in your baby’s body. That is why there is no proof at the moment that even small amounts of alcohol are okay during pregnancy.
Please, remember that you can have individual intolerance to some products like bananas, lemons, tomatoes, etc. You need to consult your doctor to find out what foods should be avoided in this important period.


You should try to place the lap portion of your seatbelt as low as possible, closer to your hips than your belly. This will prevent the belt from tightening around your baby in case of a sudden stop.
And always remember that during pregnancy your concentration gets lower due to multiple factors, so drive with extra care, and be sure to sit at least 4 inches away from the steering wheel.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Weight Loss Tips

  • Being over weight is a major problem women have to endure these days. The major cause of it is the inactive lifestyle while we still have the diet of a active lifestyle. It is only wise to let go of the bad eating habits and follow a weight loss diet plan.

  • WEIGHT LOSS DIET PLAN: Follow this weight loss diet plan and watch yourself came back in shape.
  • • For Breakfast: Brown bread with poached egg and tea or coffee without sugar.
    • For Lunch: Steamed or poached fish or chicken piece with steamed vegetables or raw salad.
    • For Dinner: Again steamed or poached fish or chicken piece with steamed vegetables or raw salad.
    • For Oily Food: If you still crave for oily food then allow yourself to have it only once a week. Overall completely avoid oil, fats and sugar.
    • For Snacks: If you feel hungry in between the meal times, just have a handful of fruits or nuts and not a piece more.
    • For Hot Beverage: Instead of drinking tea or coffee during the day as a hot beverage, drink diet tea. Prepare a day’s diet tea and keep it in a flask.
    • For Diet Tea: Boil 6 cups of water with 1.5" cinnamon stick, 1 teaspoon ginger-garlic paste, 1/4 teaspoon nigella seeds, 1/4 teaspoon fenugreek seeds and 1/4 teaspoon carom seeds. Turn off the heat and shift to a teapot. Add 3 teaspoon of green tea to it, cover and let it rest for 4-5 minutes.
    • For Losing Bulge: It is important to do a cardio exercise along with following the weight loss diet plan to loose that bulge. Do a cardio exercise every morning and evening.
    • For Cardio Exercise: You don’t have to buy expensive machines or put yourself in pain to loose that bulge. Make good use of the near by park and run a kilometer a day, then ride a bicycle in the evening or the next day.  This works specially on your belly and thighs and keeps your heart healthy. If you cannot run then walk as fast as you can. Running, bicycling and waking fast are the best weight loss cardio exercises.
  • Start following this weight loss diet plan, along with diet tea and cardio exercise and watch yourself come back in shape.
  • For healthy diet plan find out the diet supplements. You can buy at most health food that have some weight loss plan. So visit KhanaPakana Shop for diet iced tea and green tea.
  • Please consult your doctor before undertaking any diet.